Friday 13 April 2012

Read / Write User Profiles in Sharepoint

//Include a reference to the Microsoft.Office.Server assembly, and add the following using statement to your class
//using Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles;

//Get the current user
SPWeb litwareWeb = SPControl.GetContextWeb(Context);
SPUser currentUser = litwareWeb.CurrentUser;
//Create a Link Button
LinkButton mySiteButton = new LinkButton();
//Create a new UserProfileManager
UserProfileManager pManager = new UserProfileManager();
//Get the User Profile for the current user
UserProfile uProfile = pManager.GetUserProfile(currentUser.LoginName);
mySiteButton.Text = "Go to My Site";
//Retrieve User Profile Information
mySiteButton.PostBackUrl = uProfile.PersonalSite.Url;

//Include a reference to the Microsoft.Office.Server assembly, and add the following Imports statement to your class
//Imports Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles

'Get the current user
Dim litwareWeb As SPWeb = SPControl.GetContextWeb(Context)
Dim currentUser As SPUser = litwareWeb.CurrentUser
'Create a Link Button
Dim mySiteButton as LinkButton = new LinkButton()
'Create a new UserProfileManager
Dim pManager As UserProfileManager = new UserProfileManager()
'Get the User Profile for the current user
Dim uProfile As UserProfile = pManager.GetUserProfile(currentUser.LoginName)
mySiteButton.Text = "Go to My Site"
'Retrieve User Profile Information
mySiteButton.PostBackUrl = uProfile.PersonalSite.Url

The User Profile store also maintains a change log that records the changes to the user profiles in the database. The GetRecentChanges method in the User Profile object model enables you to access the change log programmatically.

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