Wednesday 20 April 2011

Email contact form in php

<script src="calendar.js"></script>
input {border:1px solid #ABABAB}


if ($t=="m")
//if "email" is filled out, send email
//if "email" is not filled out, display the form


<form method='post' action='mailform.php'>

<input name='to' type='hidden' value='<?php echo $t; ?>' />

Email: &nbsp;&nbsp;
<input name='email' type='text' /><br />
Subject: <input name='subject' type='text' /><br />
Date &nbsp;&nbsp; :
<input name='todate' onclick="event.cancelBubble=true;;lcs(this)" onfocus=";lcs(this)" type="text" value="dd/mm/yy" /><br />
Message:<br />
<textarea name='message' rows='15' cols='40'>
</textarea><br />
<input type='submit' />




$to = $_REQUEST['to'];
$subject = "New Appointment on ".$_REQUEST['todate'];
$message = $_REQUEST['message'];
$from = $_REQUEST['email'];
$headers = "From: $from";
echo "Mail Sent to the concerned doctor.";


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