Tuesday 17 April 2012

Get User Profile Details Programmatically - SharePoint

In WSS, there is a basic list called the ‘User Information List’ which holds some profile details about the users themselves. These details can be viewed/edited from the ‘My Settings’ screen.


WSS holds the following user details:

  • Account (Login Name)

  • Name (Display Name)

  • E-Mail

  • About Me

  • Picture

  • Department

  • Job Title

  • SIP Address

You can get a reference to any of these properties in code simply by querying the list with the ID of the required SPUser:


using (SPSite Site = new SPSite(“Site URL”))

using (SPWeb Web = Site.OpenWeb())

SPList UserInfoList = Web.Lists[“User Information List”];

SPUser User = Web.Users.GetByID(1); – Put the User ID Here

SPListItem UserItem = UserInfoList.GetItemById(User.ID);

UserItem[“Department”] = “Department Name”;



Using this list you can set any of the values as required or simply retrieve the stored values. I used the above to get a reference to the ‘Picture’ which is stored as a URL.

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